Capacity Building

Capacity building is a critical component of effective services for the relevant stakeholders such as befrienders, teacher counsellors, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). It is a process that aims to strengthen the abilities, skills, and knowledge of individuals and organizations in order to improve their performance and achieve their goals.

FRC empowers the stakeholders with the tools and resources to address the challenges they face effectively and support the development and delivery of quality services. This can be achieved through various learning and development initiatives, including training programs, workshops, conferences, and networking opportunities.

FRC focuses on capacity building, which develops skills and competencies required for effective services. For example, befrienders may need active listening and communication training to support individuals in distress, while teacher counsellors may require training in mental health awareness and intervention strategies.

FRC is involved in the development of knowledge and understanding among stakeholders. This includes providing access to resources, research, and good practices in mental health and counselling. By equipping stakeholders with up-to-date and evidence-based information, they can make informed decisions and provide high-quality services.